Volume LI (I)




Vas, Z.: New species and records of Palaearctic Campopleginae, Cryptinae, Hybrizontinae, and Tersilochinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) PDF/A  published: 19.02.2020 03–13
Gnezdilov, V.: New records for the genus Grammacephalus Haupt (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae).   PDF/A  published: 19.02.2020 15–20

Oláh, J., Vinçon, G., Andersen, T., Beshkov, S., Ciubuc, C., Coppa, G.,  Hendrich, L., Johanson, K.A.,  Salokannel, J. & Szczęsny, B.: Revision of the European Rhyacophila fasciata species complex by fine phenomics of the paramere (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae).    PDF/A    published: 10.05.2020

Höser, N.: Der Regenwurm Dendrobaena illyrica (Cognetti, 1906) an der nördlichen und nordwestlichen Grenze seiner Verbreitung (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae).     PDF/A    published: 10.05.2020 55–66
Sharma, B.K. & Sharma, S.: Zooplankton diversity of a subtropical reservoir of Meghalaya, northeast India with remarks on spatial and temporal variations.    PDF/A    published: 25.06.2020 67–86
Csuzdi, Cs., Szederjesi, T. & Sherlock, E.: Remarks on the new earthworm taxa described by Aladesida and Owa in 2015 from Nigeria (Clitellata: Megadrili).   PDF/A    published: 25.06.2020 87–93