Volume LV




1. Oláh, J., Johanson, K.A., Mey, W., Salokannel, J. & Vinçon, G.: Revision of the colourful genus Parasetodes McLachlan, 1880 (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae).  PDF/A  published: 08.05.2024 1–45
2. Narayanan, P.S., Paliwal R., Thomas B., Thomas A.P. & Julka, J.M.: Three new additions to the earthworm (Clitellata: Megadrili) fauna of Kerala state from the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, south-western India.  PDF/A  published: 12.05.2024 47–57
3. Samraoui, B., Samraoui, F. & Oláh, J.: Trichoptera of northeastern Algeria: New species, noteworthy records, and a review of the genus Hydropsyche (Hydropsychidae).   PDF/A     published: 05.08.2024 59–96
4.  Narayanan, P.S., Verma, H., Verma, A.K. & Thomas, A.P.: Amynthas aspergillum (Perrier, 1872) (Clitellata, Megascolecidae): A new addition to the South Asian earthworm fauna.  PDF/A     published: 05.08.2024 97–104